Post-abortion Support 

One in three women in the UK have experienced an abortion. When facing an unplanned pregnancy, many women feel that, because of their circumstances at the time and perhaps a lack of support, there is no alternative for them.

Following an abortion women may initially feel a sense of relief, but for many women, this is followed later on, sometimes many years on, by feelings of sadness, regret, loss, grief and even guilt.

These feelings, unless acknowledged and dealt with, may lead to depression, anxiety and low self-esteem.

Help is available.

Choice offers an opportunity to explore all the issues surrounding an abortion with a trained advisor in a compassionate and accepting atmosphere. The programme is 10 or more sessions, usually held once a week, during which a woman is helped to work through her feelings and come to terms with her experience. Over the course of the programme, healing can take place, leaving the woman with a renewed sense of self-worth and hope for her future.

Men affected by a partner’s abortion may also speak with an advisor.